Steward Technologies

Virus Removal


Is your computer infected with a virus or malware. We can remove both.

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Featured Solution


Learn how you can have all your contacts in the cloud in one place. You will never have to worry again about losing anything.

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Social Media


Check out our social media pages. More will be added soon.


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Your one stop shop for technology repairs!!


Is your desktop or notebook computer not running like it used to? Is it starting to show its age or are you simply running out of hard drive space. Well every computer ever made will have one or more of these problems throughout its lifetime. Steward Technologies specializes in making your technology devices last for as long as possible. These same issues affect your mobile devices as well. So no matter your choice of technology, we can get you back up and running.

Steward Technologies is unique in that we come to you at no additional cost. We understand that everyone has a busy schedule these days, not having your computer or mobile device for an extended period of time is hard to deal with. We pride ourselves on getting the job done as fast as possible with the least amount of hassle.

Take a look around at what services we offer and give us a call if you are in need of help.


Repair Service

We specialize in repairing all types of computers and mobile devices in a timely manner.

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Custom Built Computers

We can build you a system that meets your requirements. Don't settle on hardware you don't need or want.

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Mobile Device Repair

Is your mobile phone or table in need of repair.  We have you covered.

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We have begun producing masks to help stop the spread of the Coronavirus (Covid-19). For more information on getting some for yourself please

Here is some good information regarding ZOOM. ZOOM has become a popular tool during this pandemic that we are in the middle of. To be sade please take a few minutes and go through the settings to secure your connection:

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